The Commons Community: Kyle Kutuchief

“Residents are at the center of everything we do and we make sure any decision no matter how small includes the people that live in the space because this is about rebuilding trust with them and that takes time and we are committed to earning it.”

Kyle Kutuchief has been the Akron program director for the Knight Foundation since 2015. Kyle has been a part of the Akron Civic Commons team and has made tremendous progress in the community for the past 7 years. Kyle hopes in the future that the work through Akron Civic Commons will continue for decades. Kyle and the Akron Civic Commons team work to overcome decades of neglect to the community. Kyle shares how residents of the community play a large role in projects, the mission behind the work, and how much of a learning experience it has been for him.


Nature Club: Summit Lake Nature Center


The Commons Community: Dee Falconer